Our goal is to provide you with an accurate valuation estimate, including sharing and explaining all data with you. Please fill out the form provided on this page, to receive a comprehensive market report that includes the following:
  • Property History and Home Facts
  • 12 month Change in Estimated Values
  • Value per Square Foot
  • Neighborhood Housing Statistics
  • Volume and Median List Prices
  • Age Range of Homes Sold
  • Economic Statistics for zip code, city, county and state
  • School Ratings


Anne Collins Homes at Concierge Real Estate LLC enables our home seller clients to have every competitive advantage in listing and selling their home in greater Denver area.


At Anne Collins Homes, we want to make selling your home simple and painless, so we have prepared the checklist below to set your expectations of the selling process. When choosing Anne Collins Homes at Concierge Realty LLC as your real estate firm, we will help you get what you want for your home by:

Preparing Your Home to Sell

Selling your home in Denver is easy with Anne Collins Homes. Our personalized approach allows you and your family the ability to worry about your next stage in life, while we worry about the rest.

Completing a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

We help our clients to accurately evaluate the value of their property through a thorough Comparative Market Analysis report using current listing price data and comparable property sale data. The team at Anne Collins Homes will personally visit competing homes that are on the market to know what your competition has to offer, and how to provide your home with a competitive advantage. As a result, we can better understand how to best position your property’s price amongst competing homes.

Understanding the Market

Search the MLS® on our website to learn about currently listed homes that are similar to your home in specific communities because knowing the competition allows you make improvements and set an accurate listing price.

Generating Demand – Marketing Your Home

Anne Collins Homes always personalizes the marketing plan for each unique property we list for sale, so you are ensured a high level of exposure to your home listing. There is great pride in our expertise to tailor a unique marketing plan that effectively reaches prospective buyers for your property, so we guarantee the first impression of your home through our professional photographs and persuasive summary of your home.

Conducting an Objective Home Evaluation

It is our obligation to help you thoroughly and objectively evaluate your home’s condition and features to properly assess your home’s value compared to other homes for sale in your community. With us, you will be aware of competing properties, and invited to come and view competing homes.

Proper List Pricing

Accuracy in your pricing strategy is essential. Be certain that you will not leave any money on the table and achieve the highest possible selling price, so you can sell as quickly as possible.

Proactive Market Updates

Market conditions are subject to change. For instance, as new listings come on the market and others sell, the supply/demand ratio can change, so trust our certified agents to proactively provide you with regular market updates that will keep you informed of the dynamic market.

Price Negotiations

With over 30 years of experience in contract negotiation, Anne Collins Homes achieves selling your home at the highest possible price the market will bear for your home. We strive to eliminate needless stress throughout the entire process with our expertise and extensive preparation.

Inspections & Repair Advice

Once the buyer completes the home inspections, you may object to inspection issues that may be discovered and request corrective action that involves repairs and expense to you (the seller). In turn, our proven expertise through successful negotiated inspection resolutions minimizes the expenses incurred by our sellers.

Seamless Contract to Closing Process

With over 30 years of brokerage experience, Anne Collins Homes navigates the selling transaction from contract negotiations to the completed closing, so you have a seamless and positive home selling experience.


Get Social

  • Networking
  • Social Media Advertising -Organic and Paid
  • Innovative Open Houses
  •  Cross-Listing – Realtor, Nextdoor, Google, Yahoo, Trulia, Zillow, and others, as soon as your listing goes live.

Make a Statement

  • First impressions are everything. We engage professional photographers to provide a full and expert collection of quality images of your home. These images and a 360 degree virtual tour will showcase your property.

Market Your Property

  • Neighborhood Door Flyers
  • Direct Mail Marketing to prospective buyers
  • Interest generation marketing – Coming soon, just listed!